Archive | September, 2014

ABCD’s 1st Road Trip & Vacation

7 Sep


We had an amazing 2 weeks in NorCal and caught up on some much needed sleep and QT w/ family and friends. Lola & Lolo, Jacintos, Wongs, deGuzmans, (El Dorado) Millers, (Alameda) Millers, Freemondes, Toms (Gardner & Songin), Beahns and Beys!
We miss you already!

We’re driving back to LA right now and so far Drae is handling the ride perfectly. Left Alameda around 12:30pm and stopped once to feed her and she seems to be snoozing soundly. On our way up, we left at 10pm and stopped once for a long (almost 2-hr) feed and arrived in Folsom by 6am… May this be only the beginning of many more family road trips and travel adventures!